Struggling with the inevitable departure of his best friend, Xeno Alistel reluctantly embarks on a solo mission for Avatoan. His task: to unravel the mysterious goblin problem plaguing the drug-ridden town of Atropos. Yet amidst the suffocating purple haze and a populace lost to hallucinogenic mold, Xeno stumbles upon an unexpected beacon of light: the unwaveringly optimistic Leorah Lache. Steadfast and determined, Leah believes that she can save her village. Yet as Xeno delves deeper into the city’s true depravity, he begins to question if her faith might be tragically misguided. As he watches her suffer through nightmares, neglect, and abuse, Xeno starts to expect that a more sinister supernatural force may be at play. This is the story of a moth, and what one girl is willing to suffer through to bring about true change.
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