Goblin Coffee

When Xeno Alistel and his best friend Rhiley Uran crash their airship into the heart of the deserted Saruta Grasslands, things look like they could have gone a lot worse: until a roving band of goblins ask the two to lead their armies into a war between tribes. The stakes? The goblin’s most sacred possession: coffee beans.


Considering an airship crash would kill most adventurers, Xeno Alistel and Rhiley Uran consider themselves pretty lucky when they plummet into the desolate heart of the Saruta Grasslands: the two have got all their limbs, they’re not presently on fire, and they might just get a smidgen of alone time amidst the tranquil green hills and rolling plains. But when a band of adorable, coffee-loving goblins enlists them to lead their armies into a prophetic war over coffee beans in return for fixing their airship, the two have a host of new troubles: namely trying to keep the innocent, child-like goblins alive long enough to stop them from murdering each other while the two think of a way to get home. All the while, they must defend the goblin’s most sacred birthright: a grove of immaculate, perfectly tended coffee trees. 

Follow Xeno and Rhiley as they prepare the innocent Grassland Goblin Tribe for war, and enjoy a lighthearted adventure about the dangers of taking life–and yourself–too seriously.

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Facts about Goblins

To most of mankind, goblins are a dangerous nuisance that should be exterminated on sight. They usually keep to the Free Marches or hide away in the deeper forests, but sometimes the little critters creep down into Bastore to raid a merchant caravan or an undefended barn. If you keep a fire going and have a few bows drawn, they’ll usually leave you alone: they’re skittish little things. But let your guard down for even a moment, and you’ll wake up to a lighter wagon—if you wake up at all. Because goblins are known for exactly three things: raiding, stealing… and coffee.